Week#2 – Lines and naked people

Hi! Allow me to give you a rundown of what went down this week.



I am attempting to create a plane and a car in perspective, and in order to have full control over the lines I decided to go for vector-based graphics, using photoshop. As a result, I now have got +150 layers, each one representing a line. I think I must have messed up somehwere because this is getting silly.

The perspective stuff introduced so far does not seem too intimidating though.  Unlike other parts of art, there are consistent and nice rules you just have to remember. Just follow those and you’re good. Smooth like math and logic.

In other news! I am also trying to get proficient at drawing human bodies. I think I am improving slightly, but I am not satisfied at all yet. I will keep trying to get those fluid motions down, but it’s hard! I am spending around 40 minutes per day just drawing naked people, so I will get it sooner or later.

Here are a small batch of drawings I did, trying to get into anatomy and expression. The first one was done with a model as a reference, the other two are from my mind.


That is three out of 120 different poses done this week. Yes, I did count. No, I do not know how on earth I managed that 🙂

Until next week!

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